Zeige Ergebnisse 111 - 120 von 237
Hetz, S. A., Poehlein, A., & Horn, M. A. (2020). Whole-Genome Sequences of Two New Caballeronia Strains Isolated from Cryoturbated Peat Circles of the Permafrost-Affected Eastern European Tundra. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 9(31), Artikel e00731-20.,
Ho, A., Mendes, L. W., Lee, H. J., Kaupper, T., Mo, Y., Poehlein, A., Bodelier, P. L. E., Jia, Z., & Horn, M. A. (2020). Response of a methane-driven interaction network to stressor intensification. FEMS microbiology ecology, 96(10), Artikel fiaa180.
Ippisch, O., Zawallich, J., Dörsch, P., Schlüter, S., Horn, M. A., & Vogel, H.-J. (2020). Understanding the Dynamics of Denitrification with high-resolution Simulations.
Kaupper, T., Hetz, S., Kolb, S., Yoon, S., Horn, M. A., & Ho, A. (2020). Deforestation for oil palm: impact on microbially mediated methane and nitrous oxide emissions, and soil bacterial communities. Biology and fertility of soils, 56(3), 287-298.
Kaupper, T., Luehrs, J., Lee, H. J., Mo, Y., Jia, Z., Horn, M. A., & Ho, A. (2020). Disentangling abiotic and biotic controls of aerobic methane oxidation during re-colonization. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 142, Artikel 107729.,
Mo, Y., Jin, F., Zheng, Y., Baoyin, T., Ho, A., & Jia, Z. (2020). Succession of bacterial community and methanotrophy during lake shrinkage. Journal of soils and sediments, 20(3), 1545-1557.
Pausch, P., Abdelshahid, M., Steinchen, W., Schäfer, H., Gratani, F. L., Freibert, S. A., Wolz, C., Turgay, K., Wilson, D. N., & Bange, G. (2020). Structural Basis for Regulation of the Opposing (p)ppGpp Synthetase and Hydrolase within the Stringent Response Orchestrator Rel. Cell reports, 32(11), Artikel 108157.
Posselt, M., Mechelke, J., Rutere, C., Coll, C., Jaeger, A., Raza, M., Meinikmann, K., Krause, S., Sobek, A., Lewandowski, J., Horn, M. A., Hollender, J., & Benskin, J. P. (2020). Bacterial Diversity Controls Transformation of Wastewater-Derived Organic Contaminants in River-Simulating Flumes. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(9), 5467-5479.,
Prosser, J. I., Hink, L., Gubry-Rangin, C., & Nicol, G. W. (2020). Nitrous oxide production by ammonia oxidizers: Physiological diversity, niche differentiation and potential mitigation strategies. Global change biology, 26(1), 103-118.
Rohe, L., Oppermann, T., Well, R., & Horn, M. A. (2020). Nitrite induced transcription of p450nor during denitrification by Fusarium oxysporum correlates with the production of N2O with a high 15N site preference. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 151, Artikel 108043.,