Publikationsliste Prof. Dr. Marcus Andreas Horn
Zeige Ergebnisse 81 - 90 von 127
Brenzinger, K., Kujala, K., Horn, M. A., Moser, G., Guillet, C., Kammann, C., Müller, C., & Braker, G. (2017). Soil Conditions Rather Than Long-Term Exposure to Elevated CO2 Affect Soil Microbial Communities Associated with N-Cycling. Frontiers in microbiology, 8(8), Artikel 1976.,
Guhr, A., Horn, M. A., & Weig, A. R. (2017). Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) increases drought tolerance of Agaricus bisporus. MYCOLOGIA, 109(6), 860-873.
Kolb, S., Horn, M. A., Murrell, J. C., & Knief, C. (2017). Editorial: The Impact of Microorganisms on Consumption of Atmospheric Trace Gases. Frontiers in microbiology, 8(SEP), Artikel 1856.,
Borken, W., Horn, M. A., Geimer, S., Aguilar, N. A. B., & Knorr, K. H. (2016). Associative nitrogen fixation in nodules of the conifer Lepidothamnus fonkii (Podocarpaceae) inhabiting ombrotrophic bogs in southern Patagonia. Scientific reports, 6, Artikel 39072.,
Braga, L. P. P., Yoshiura, C. A., Borges, C. D., Horn, M. A., Brown, G. G., Drake, H. L., & Tsai, S. M. (2016). Disentangling the influence of earthworms in sugarcane rhizosphere. Scientific reports, 6, Artikel 38923.,
Hofmann, L., Geldermann, J., Beck, H.-P., Eggert, F., Engel, B., Weyer, H., Horn, M., Lietz, F., Loges, H., Lühn, T., Schlömer, G., Schnieder, R., & Ahmels, J. (2016). Forschungsprojekt e-home Energieprojekt 2020 : Kurzfassung der wissenschaftlichen Projektergebnisse 2011 - 2016. Cuvillier Verlag.
Palmer, K., Köpp, J., Gebauer, G., & Horn, M. A. (2016). Drying-Rewetting and Flooding Impact Denitrifier Activity Rather than Community Structure in a Moderately Acidic Fen. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7(JUN), Artikel 727.
Schmidt, O., Hink, L., Horn, M. A., & Drake, H. L. (2016). Peat: home to novel syntrophic species that feed acetate- and hydrogen-scavenging methanogens. ISME J, 10(8), 1954-1966.
Knorr, K.-H., Horn, M. A., & Borken, W. (2015). Significant nonsymbiotic nitrogen fixation in Patagonian ombrotrophic bogs. Global change biology, 21(6), 2357-2365.
Palmer, K., & Horn, M. A. (2015). Denitrification Activity of a Remarkably Diverse Fen Denitrifier Community in Finnish Lapland Is N-Oxide Limited. PLOS ONE, 10(4), Artikel e0123123.