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Showing results 1 - 10 out of 97
Dijk, H. V., Geers-Lucas, M., Henjes, S., Rohe, L., Vogel, H.-J., Horn, M. A., & Schlüter, S. (2024). Moderate effects of distance to air-filled macropores on denitrification potentials in soils. Biology and fertility of soils. Advance online publication.
Gkoutselis, G., Rohrbach, S., Harjes, J., Brachmann, A., Horn, M. A., & Rambold, G. (2024). Plastiphily is linked to generic virulence traits of important human pathogenic fungi. Communications Earth and Environment, 5, Article 51.
Hartmann, A., de Bashan, L., Wassermann, B., Horn, M., & Sessitsch, A. (2024). FEMSEC-Thematic Issue “Rhizosphere – a One Health concept“. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 100(11), Article fiae136.
Heffner, T., Mendes, L. W., Kaupper, T., Frohloff, D., Horn, M. A., & Ho, A. (2024). The effect of substrate concentration on the methane-driven interaction network. European journal of soil biology, 122, Article 103665.
Hink, L., Rohrbach, S., Rehkopf, J., Sehl, E., Agarwal, S., Feldhaar, H., & Horn, M. A. (2024). Poly(L-lactide) mineralisation under environmental conditions is enhanced in earthworm guts. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 196, Article 109485.
Jordan, S. F. A., Schloemer, S., Krüger, M., Heffner, T., Horn, M. A., & Blumenberg, M. (2024). Interferences caused by the microbial methane cycle during the assessment of abandoned oil and gas wells. Advance online publication.
Jordan, S. F. A., Schloemer, S., Krüger, M., Heffner, T., Horn, M. A., & Blumenberg, M. (2024). Supplementary material to "Interferences caused by the microbial methane cycle during the assessment of abandoned oil and gas wells". Advance online publication.
Kujala, K., Schmidt, O., & Horn, M. A. (2024). Synergy and competition during the anaerobic degradation of N-acetylglucosamine in a methane-emitting, subarctic, pH-neutral fen. Frontiers in microbiology, 15, Article 1428517.
Lim, J., Wehmeyer, H., Heffner, T., Aeppli, M., Gu, W., Kim, P. J., Horn, M., & Ho, A. (2024). Resilience of aerobic methanotrophs in soils; spotlight on the methane sink under agriculture. FEMS microbiology ecology, 100(3), Article fiae008.
Moore, R., Boy, D., Boy, J., Horn, M., Guggenberger, G., Azua-Bustos, A., & Carr, C. (2024). Atmospheric chemosynthesis may enable colonization of the driest place on Earth. Advance online publication.