
Institut für Mikrobiologie


Zeige Ergebnisse 11 - 20 von 97


Rohrbach, S., Gkoutselis, G., Mauel, A., Telli, N., Senker, J., Ho Kah Wye, A., Rambold, G., & Horn, M. A. (2024). Setting new standards: Multiphasic analysis of microplastic mineralization by fungi. Chemosphere, 349, Artikel 141025.
Schniete, J. K., Brüser, T., Horn, M. A., & Tschowri, N. (2024). Specialized biopolymers: versatile tools for microbial resilience. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 77, Artikel 102405.
Yeong, C. J., Lindang, H. U., Ho, A., Lau, S. Y. L., Lihan, S., Horn, M. A., & Melling, L. (2024). Methanotrophy Potential in Tropical Peatland under Different Land Use in Sarawak, Malaysia.


Froese, R., Andrino, A., Giudice, R., Stuch, B., Kilian Salas, S., Böhner, J., Boy, D., Boy, J., Brown, F., Díaz García, E., Figueroa, D., Frör, O., Guggenberger, G., Horn, M. A., Hasson, S. U., Jung, C., Lagneaux, E. G., Meurer, K. H. E., Pinzón Cuellar, C., ... Jungkunst, H. F. (2023). Describing complex interactions of social-ecological systems for tipping point assessments: an analytical framework. Frontiers in Climate, 5, Artikel 1145942.
Gkoutselis, G., Rohrbach, S., Harjes, J., Brachmann, A., Horn, M. A., & Rambold, G. (2023). Fungal plastiphily and its link to generic virulence traits makes environmental microplastics a global health factor. Beitrag in EGU General Assembly 2023, Wien, Österreich.,
Heffner, T., Brami, S. A., Mendes, L. W., Kaupper, T., Hannula, E. S., Poehlein, A., Horn, M. A., & Ho, A. (2023). Interkingdom interaction: the soil isopod Porcellio scaber stimulates the methane-driven bacterial and fungal interaction. ISME Communications, 3, Artikel 62.
Heffner, T., Kaupper, T., Heinrichs, M., Lee, H. J., Rüppel, N., Horn, M. A., & Ho, A. (2023). Mitomycin C-induced effects on aerobic methanotrophs in a landfill cover soil: implications of a viral shunt? FEMS microbiology ecology, 99(6), Artikel fiad047.
Hink, L., Holzinger, A., Sandfeld, T., Weig, A. R., Schramm, A., Feldhaar, H., & Horn, M. A. (2023). Microplastic ingestion affects hydrogen production and microbiomes in the gut of the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber. Environmental microbiology, 25(12), 2776-2791.
Hintzsche, H., & Horn, M. (2023). Actinobacteriota replizieren noch bei Trockenstress im Boden. BioSpektrum, 29(7), 764-765.
Holzinger, A., Hink, L., Sehl, E., Rüppel, N., Lehndorff, E., Weig, A. R., Agarwal, S., Horn, M. A., & Feldhaar, H. (2023). Biodegradable polymers boost reproduction in the earthworm Eisenia fetida. Science of the Total Environment, 892, Artikel 164670.